> Music Interview: Georgia - Seeking Thrills - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

Music Interview: Georgia – Seeking Thrills

Every night felt like going into battle

The start of the year may be a time for resolutions and promising you’ll be a better person over the next 12 months, but it’s often a slow time for exciting albums. Thankfully this hasn’t been the case in 2020, with the year getting off to a flying start with the release of Georgia’s new record, Seeking Thrills.

It’s inevitable that references will be made to her dad, Neil Barnes from Leftfield, but Georgia is clearly carving out her own name and reputation. The press and social media acclaim for the new record suggests there is a ton of love for the artist, which is not unusual when talent and hard work combine so effectively.

We caught up with Georgia on the day the album was released. On a hectic day, the singer and multi-instrumentalist brought us up to speed with the record, spoke of her love of Glasgow’s clubbing scene and emphasised that she’s very much up for a battle. Unsurprisingly, it was a breathless take…as you’d expect from an up-and-coming artist on album release day.

Seeking Thrills has just been released, and the team at SNACK have really enjoyed it. How was the recording process?

It was really good. It was a long process; I learned a lot. It was very disciplined, and I enjoyed the recording process.

Did you feel there was an evolution between your first and second album?

Totally! I felt there was a massive evolution. Would you say there has been an evolution between the albums?

From what I’ve heard of the first and then the second album, it seemed like a good step forward – it comes across as more polished.

Yeah, that’s what I wanted to achieve. To take a step up…and I’m glad you felt that, because that was the goal of the record. I really wanted the vocals to take centre stage in this album, and that is the main difference between the two albums. In the second album, the vocals lead the way. I wanted this album to be an accessible album, and for people to get into it.

‘Feel It’ was released in 2017, ‘Started Out’ came out in November 2018 – does this still seem like the same project?

Yeah, it feels like the same project. I was always going to release an album, so recording it felt like working on the same thing. I was always looking to release a record that would take people on a journey. Even though the singles have done really well, and no one could foresee the success of them, that was an unexpected thing. That gave us a real burst of energy in making the record, but the focus was always about releasing an album.

Did the success of the singles change the way you approached the rest of the album?

100 percent. Last year I went back and tweaked a few things to make sure the album was cohesive.

The album has received a lot of positive reviews – is this the most nerve-wracking stage for an artist?

Not really; I enjoy this bit. I’m trying to make the most of every part of it because I put a lot into the record, so I want to make sure I take it all in and have fun.

You are playing in Glasgow on March 4th – are you looking forward to the gig and tour?

I’m really looking forward to it. I have spent a lot of time in Glasgow, my best friend is Glaswegian, and I’ve another close friend at the Art School. I absolutely love it. My dad, who is in Leftfield, played the Barrowlands and that is a goal, to get to the Barrowlands one day.

I’m itching to get going! I want people to see the live show and for people to have a good time.

I believe you made an early stage appearance at T in the Park. Do you have fond memories of Scottish shows?

Yeah, I’ve spent a lot of my life in the Sub Club. For me, the Sub Club is one of the best clubs in the world. The T in the Park show was really special, I remember the crowd was absolutely up for it. I know, for Leftfield, it was an incredibly exciting show for them. I can still remember it. I can still see the tent filled to the brim, and people going completely wild.

When was the last time you made it to the Sub Club?

Two years ago, it was a Jackmaster night. A great night.

You played with The Kills in 2016 and you’ve also played with Jungle – does supporting a big act or playing a festival feel different from your own show?

Yes, for sure. A support slot gives you a chance to win an audience over. You always try and pick an artist who is in your range, but The Kills was something completely different. I don’t think The Kills fans would have heard of me, so I was playing to a whole new audience.

It was great – I had the task of winning people over. Every night felt like going into battle. Of course, it’s very different to playing your own shows,where people come to see you. There’s a different sort of energy.

I still love playing support slots and festivals, but equally, I love playing to my audience. I sometimes thrive on the struggle of winning people over. It has been very good practice for playing live. Also, I’ve been in some dire situations in gigs, so I know it can never be as bad as that!

The BBC love your work – you’re on the 2020 Sounds longlist and ‘About Work The Dancefloor’ was track of the week on Radio 1. Do you take praise from these institutions well?

I love it! Whatever you think of the BBC, it remains an amazing institution.

Musically, I agree, it’s second to none.

Definitely. I’m not here to worry too much about that; I’m here to take any opportunity to get my music out there, and get it heard by people. For me, it has been a real blessing and I can’t thank the BBC enough.

As you are multi-talented (drummer, singer, production), do you feel one element gets overshadowed or overlooked?

I’d love to be classed as a singer who also produces her own music. That would be great for me. Of course, it’s great to be recognised as a multi-instrumentalist, and this sets me apart from other people. I really like that, and I’m not going to shy away from the skills I’ve developed over the years, or the hard work I’ve put in. However people see me, I don’t really care, as long as they are listening to the music.

Georgia’s new album, Seeking Thrills, is out now, and SNACK heartily recommends it.

You can read our review here.

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