> The Astrolo-J Monologues – Scottish Storytelling Centre (review) - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

The Astrolo-J Monologues – Scottish Storytelling Centre (review)

What is it about astrology that either makes people’s blood boil in rage at a mere mention of it or assists in explaining the most bizarre experiences of dealing with humans? I’ll dispense with partiality for a second and shamelessly admit to belonging to the latter group (can you guess my sign yet?) I mean, it’s just so much easier to blame someone’s questionable actions on their zodiac sign, isn’t it? Like, no, they’re not mean, they’re just a Scorpio! (just an example, wink wink).

Seeing The Astrolo-J Monologues blurb saying this show is ‘for all the girlies who love Co-Star and can’t afford therapy’ was all I needed. While my interest is limited to Instagram memes and friend’s knowledge, I do have Co-Star downloaded on my phone and regularly chuckle at daily prompts somehow designed to apparently work with my birth date. I also know for a fact, that the song ‘No More Virgos’ by CMAT hits the spot for so many women. 

That’s a lot, isn’t it? This is where we’re invited for a little after party at Jordy’s who just finished DJing at Sneaky Pete’s and takes on the role of a tipsy spiritual guide for a 19-year-old girl completely lost in the dating world. Jordy has clearly seen it all, taking us through a melodic, sarcastic, hilarious and uplifting journey of dating all zodiac signs. 

In short, and with a big pinch of distance, an Oasis tattoo is a red flag, Aries are selfish, Gemini are nosy, Cancer ‘a little’ emotional, and Sagittarius loves a party. Each zodiac signs receives an in-depth monologue of a story (I’m very much hoping all of them true) of Jordy’s experience in dating, infused with fun singalongs that perfectly separate moods in between.

Jordan S. Daniel does an excellent job in entertaining the audience. At times, it felt like we really were at a house party chatting to a good friend about the pains of dating. There was singing, laughing, contemplating, all with a natural confidence and sparkle of this up-and-coming performer. While the background music was a touch too loud at times, lyrics clashing with the script, this relaxed performance showed a great potential, and I would be the first one through the door to see more.

To quote today’s Co-Star prompt, ‘A masterpiece can be a work in progress. So can you.’ Oh, and the best sign of them all? Aquarius, of course.

Follow Jordan S. Daniel on Instagram

Scottish Storytelling Centre

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