For those of you wondering… Yes, Scorpio Leisure are named after the legendary Leith ‘sauna’ that once ‘entertained’ Clients opposite the Hibs football stadium. The premises are long gone, but the seedy rumours of ‘happy endings’ live on in the hearts and minds of those who remember the iconic sign. Therefore, it’s fitting (and weirdly comforting) that the band’s eponymous debut has a similarly peculiar spirit of mysterious sleaze.
It makes for a mesmerising listen. The lazy, psychedelic soundscape of ‘Serpentine’ is a dreamy introduction to the album; all warbling synths, plodding bass, cantering drums, and trance-inducing vocals. It’s followed by the simmering noir-ish verses of ‘Apology’ and the twisted alt-rock chorus of ‘Running On The Spot’.

There’s something darkly seductive about the vocals, particularly on tracks like ‘Pulse Beat’. They’re both sensual and disturbing – and the addition of bizarre dance beats, grooving guitars, sultry bass, and industrial percussion, raises a weirdly danceable backdrop.
Scorpio Leisure’s debut album is an experimental oddity. And, by their nature, experimental oddities aren’t for everyone. But if you’re into strange hypnotic music, awkward dance music, and the alt-iest of alt vibes: this one’s especially for you.
Still need convincing? Check out the Apology EP, it’s out now. Obsessed? Don’t miss the Scorpio Leisure album launch show at Edinburgh’s Voodoo Rooms (on release day).
Scorpio Leisure will be released on 19th July via Last Night From Glasgow. Available here.
Main Photo Credit: Chris Hogge