> Polly – Project 46 (single review) - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

Polly – Project 46 (single review)

‘Project 46’ is the welcome new work from noisy post-punk four piece POLLY, the first since their 2022 album, SLUMP. The opening, soothing chimes are immediately interrupted by a wall of sound. Thumping drums and an up-tempo bassline pair together, creating a heavy, driven rhythm, before the symphonic guitar work comes in. It’s noisy, grungy, post-punk goodness all round as the overdrive kicks in, taking everything up a notch.

The gentle vocal work offers a brief respite, gliding into the mix and carrying us to the bridge. The whole song starts to swell, reaching a sonic peak – it’s hairs-on-the-back-of-your neck stuff. When I hear this song, I picture a wall of PA speakers in a basement venue, and I feel the sound hitting me.

‘Project 46’ is out from 9th February

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