> EP Review - Burn Your Furniture by The Kidney Flowers - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

EP Review – Burn Your Furniture by The Kidney Flowers

"The album aims to recreate the frenetic energy of their live shows." 

No-nonsense garage punk is truly timeless. Getting three or four of your mates together to make fast, angry music will always have its place. Going to see your favourite local band play in a sweaty basement venue will always have its place. For reasons like these, bands like The Kidney Flowers will always have their place.

The Glasgow garage punk trio released their second full length, Burn Your Furniture, on 23rd September. Recorded in a single frenzied day of music, the album aims to recreate the frenetic energy of their live shows. 

The opener, ‘Laces’, certainly hits the mark in that regard: with a heavy bassline, a pacy, rhythmic guitar riff, and vocals sung with a sneer in the voice, it’s exactly what we signed up for.

Other highlights include the dancier indie number ‘Profiling’, the chilling synths of ‘Filled with Blood’, and the furious, barked intro to ‘Mutiny’.

The album whizzes past you at a breakneck speed, with 11 songs in just 25 minutes, closing on the relentless bass of ‘Breadcrumbs’, an outstanding closer that had me headbanging at my desk. And seriously, I can’t overemphasise how good that bassline is.

Burn Your Furniture is out September 23rd, courtesy of Never Found Records. Buy here.

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