> Poetry call out – Scotland at the Euros 2024 - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

Poetry call out – Scotland at the Euros 2024

SNACK has teamed up with Nutmeg magazine to celebrate the Scotland Men’s National Team at the European Championships 2024 in Germany, in stitch form!

Writers and Scotland sufferers everywhere, this is your opportunity to have your poetry embroidered on a Scotland scarf.

We want you to send us your best football poems – about your hopes, fears, memories, or aspirations for Scotland at this summer’s Euros.

Our favourite will be immortalised on that special scarf and published in a future issue of Nutmeg.



20 lines, maximum
10 words per line, maximum

Send your poem to us at words@snackmag.co.uk by 15th April 2024

Poems should be submitted within a Word Document, if possible.


Work submitted must not have been published elsewhere.

50 word writer’s bio must be included in submission e-mail.

Postal address must be provided in order to receive writer’s copy of Nutmeg Magazine.

No cash alternative prize.

Closing date for entries 15th April 2024

Editor’s decision is final.

Have fun!

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