> EP Review: Philip Jon Taylor – Supportive Partner Please Stand Here - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

EP Review: Philip Jon Taylor – Supportive Partner Please Stand Here

PAWS were a Glasgow band appreciated by the SNACK team over the years, and now the solo career of Philip Jon Taylor hits the spot for us. It’s different, of course it is, but you can join some of the dots from their 2019 album Your Church On My Bonfire to Supportive Partner Please Stand Here.

It’s an honest record, played out in an alt- country Americana style. The opener ‘Lucky 22’ is the liveliest number and delivers the title. The appearance of Tendertwin on ‘Rear Window’ adds a lovely counterbalance to the lead vocal.

On ‘Fabulist’, the almost-whispered words draw you in close, and the soft shuffle doesn’t let you go. The pace drops, vocals crack, and the whole thing takes on a slower and more plaintive feel as the record goes on. There’s an air of melancholy, but it’s never without hope. And who can’t relate to that feeling?

Supportive Partner Please Stand Here is out on Wish Fulfillment Press and Bubble Core Records

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