In 2021, Teenage Fanclub released Endless Arcade, their first full length album since 2016’s Here. This year they’re taking it for a long summer drive across Europe, first stop SWG3 Glasgow on the 6th of April, followed by a series of shows all over the U.K and Ireland.
Endless Arcade brings a more mature version of Teenage Fanclub’s known brand of hopeful melancholia to the table. A bit more anxious, a bit more concerned about the past, this new album can still count with the band’s intricate, yet soft guitar melodies to bring out the sunshine and light up the pastel tones of a post pandemic summer.
“I think of an endless arcade as a city that you can wander through, with a sense of mystery, an imaginary one that goes on forever…” says Raymond McGinley, one half of the band’s songwriters for this album.
For tickets and more information visit: