> THE BAR - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland


the bar foodie explorers beer review


(330ml can, 4%) A German-style sour wheat beer from Kippen near Stirling. No head so it looked more like real, cloudy lemonade rather than beer. An expected sour aroma with a salty sherbet lemon-lime taste, it’s pretty mild and tame for a sour beer which makes it all the more drinkable!Available from Aldi for £1.39

the bar foodie explorers beer review


(330ml can, 5.4%) Described as a ‘Peaches and cream ale’ this also had no head but was a bit more lively though not fizzy or gassy. Quite a murky colour with a tinned peaches aroma! Taste-wise there was more of a bitter grapefruit flavour with some creaminess there too.Retails for between £2.50 – £3.00

the bar foodie explorers beer review


(330ml can, 4.6%) Kiwi pale ale hopped with Huell melon hops and Taiheke New Zealand hops, then finished with kiwi fruit making this man exceptionally fruity beer. It’s cloudy orange and initially quite lively but the head didn’t last. A yeasty aroma with a taste of sweet juicy melon, mango, lime, kiwi, with a dry finish.Available from Aldi for £1.39

the bar foodie explorers beer review


(355ml can, 5.6%) All the way from Inglewood, California, this is a clear golden/amber pale ale with a thin head and a hoppy pine resin aroma. It’s a pleasantly hoppy ale with marmalade juiciness and a dry finish.Available from Grunting Growler for £3.

the bar foodie explorers beer review


(330ml bottle, 5%) And now a beer brewed by American Heather McDonald who is now based in Nairn. This is not a typical lager, it’s cloudy and pale, initially very lively it soon calmed down. With a pleasant yeasty aroma, this is a smooth, medium-bodied beer with a mild citrusy taste and a soft bitterness.
Available from Aldi, Waitrose, ASDA for £1.59

the bar foodie explorers beer review

  • Writes about food and travel at Foodie Explorers website. Can be mostly found cuddling cats, watching crime documentaries and drinking a beer.

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