> Single review: Indoor Foxes – Mr Yellow Eyes - SNACK: Music, film, arts and culture magazine for Scotland

Single review: Indoor Foxes – Mr Yellow Eyes

Indoor Foxes (Martha Barr) is back with this confidently self-produced single, ‘Mr Yellow Eyes’. It’s written as a letter to her dad, telling him about the ups and downs of her relationship, and asking for the emotional comfort of home to reassure. The last year has stretched and worn the ties that bind families and friendship – jealousy brews niggles grow into new spaces, and asking for help can be difficult – and this track seems to be rooted in this experience. With the line ‘Dad, please tell me something that feels like home’, Martha gets to the heart of a feeling that’s pretty common these days.

While it doesn’t have the immediate niggling earworm quality of her previous release ‘Peach Stone’, it’s definitely a bit of a grower. Martha’s vocal delivery is as easy and as adaptable as ever. Singing well within herself, there’s always the feeling that she has another three or four gears she could easily access if she so wished – when she turns the sunshine on in the chorus, it’s a wee moment of bliss.

‘Mr Yellow Eyes’ is streaming now on Spotify and is available to purchase on 7″ vinyl with ‘Peach Stone’ on the reverse via Classy Lassy

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